Exhibit nº2


In exhibit nº2, instruments bought by the Physics Laboratory of the Faculty of Science in the beginning of the 20th century, to teach Optics to prospective physicians: Perrin artificial eye, Landolt ophthalmoscope, an optical trial lens set…


Following the creation of the University of Porto and subsequent reform of syllabi (May 1911), the Faculty of Science would become responsible for preparatory courses anticipating the attendance of the Faculty of Medicine: Physics and Chemistry for Biology, and Natural Sciences.

The Museum of Science holds a copy of the Physics for Biology’s syllabus for the academic year 1913-14, with annotations made by Álvaro Machado, a doctor and teacher at the Rodrigues de Freitas High School, who was hired as an assistant professor in early 1912, to teach this subject. Chapter VI, entitled “Radiations”, contemplates the optics of the human eye and description of some vision ailments and pathologies.

The instruments on display were bought in October 1912, to be used in classes (experimental manipulations are marked with an *) .

prog 13-14_2 págs


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